StyleMap Customized
StyleMap Software Suite: For Product Design and Packaging
Cutting Through Marketplace Clutter to a Crisp DesignBuilding upon the power of IdeaMap technology , StyleMap is the optimal solution for pure graphics research. Empowering you to test a broad range of product/package design features, you save development time and resources by focusing on the most appealing features for packages, product design, direct mail pieces and magazine covers. Often you will find several designs with equally strong impact. You select the ultimate winner by overlaying your business and marketing objectives.
Who Should Use StyleMap?
StyleMap decision tools were designed for those who do not have a large budget and need efficient, focused research and knowledge building that meets challenges instantly. It has been successfully utilized by staff who are responsible, either directly or indirectly, for product management, packaging, design, image, advertising, branding, market research, innovation and competitive intelligence.
For our web-based tool, no expertise is required. We offer an easy-to-understand training manual, as well as one-day training sessions through Moskowitz Jacobs Product Managers.
Advantages of StyleMap
- Flexible modeling structure
- Systematic exploration of alternatives: proprietary methodology of mixing & matching elements and ideas
- Faster than traditional concept research with robust results
- Individual regression models so you know each person`s acceptance drivers
- Self-authored - you are in control
o Significantly less expensive than focus groups with greater number of respondents
o Real-time interviewing: "live" results change as respondents participate
o Easy data manipulation with common software tools like Excel, Word, SPSS or SAS
o Automatic subgroup analysis
o Automated reporting is clear, robust, actionable and available 24 hours after study is complete - Consulting support always available through MJI
- Partial / Full-Profile experimental design
- Selection of 23 experimental, designs (up to 36 elements)
- A stimulus-response approach
- Different concepts for each respondent, showing individual drivers, interactions (synergisms, suppressions) and scenarios (i.e. what matches with what)
- Ordinary Least Squares regression (using Dummy variables and true zero condition) analysis produces clear absolute utility values.
- No hidden weighting factors or statistical short cuts are used
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