Advice to a Young Reader
The article provides a vade mecum or guide for the young researcher. It details the importance of an intellectual heritage in which the author works, the necessity of holding on to a vision, strategies for introducing new ideas and the folly of believing that being a low cost provider of research will be a winning approach in business.... details
So Much Demand Yet So Little Time and Perhaps Some Real Opportunity - Market Research at the Turn of the Millennium
This paper presents the author's suggestions and viewpoints for researchers at the start of the new millennium.
... detailsResearch, Politics and the Web Can Mix: Considerations, Experiences, Trials, Tribulations in Adapting Conjoint Measurement to Optimizing a Political Platform as if it were a Consumer Product
This article presents the authors' approach to understanding the differences in response patterns among consumers. The article shows how these differences lead to a profound understanding of behavioral and attitudinal preference segments.... details
From a Process to a Transaction: Implications for Research and the Research Community
Published in the CASRO Journal (Council of American Survey Research Organizations)... details
DesignLab - Putting Early Stage Development Needs into a Research Paradigm: A Personal History, Observations & Opinions
The author reviews the origins of DesignLab, from psychophysical scaling, to business applications, to the need for faster research and higher order analysis. ... details
Rapid Feedback, Political Polling and Mid-Course Corrections: Opportunities Using Transaction Oriented Research
Presents the author's viewpoint that one can treat a political candidate as a consumer product. With rapid feedback using the IdeaMap? Wizard?, it is possible to identify 'hot buttons' that turn on voters. ... details
From Psychophysics to the World...Data Acquired, Lessons Learned
(PowerPoint Presentation)
1998 Battersby Memorial Lecture
... detailsInnovating in Cyberspace
(PowerPoint Presentation)
Presented at Marketer's Creativity Camp (Scottsdale, AZ) - June 2000
... detailsConjoint Measurement & Needs Based Segmentation
(PowerPoint Presentation)
Presented at Statistics for Marketers Conference - July 2000
... detailsResearch: From Process to Transaction
(PowerPoint Presentation)
Evolving our Profession: A View from the Mountainous Trenches
... detailsLoyalty Programs & Web Based Research
(PowerPoint Presentation)
This presentation covers loyalty programs - what they are and the value of a loyalty program as an integral partner when doing research on the web.
... detailsDeveloping Concepts & Innovating at the Fuzzy Front End- Using the Voice of the Consumer Along With Technical Aids to Creative Thought
(PowerPoint Presentation)
Presented at the 2000 IFT Pre-Annual Meeting Continuing Education Program
... detailsIdeaMap Wizard
(PowerPoint Presentation)
This presentation discusses the IdeaMap Wizard, a do-it-yourself research technology.
... detailsDatabasing the Consumer Mind: The Crave It!, Healthy You!, Buy It! & Drink It! Databases
(PowerPoint Presentation)
Presented at the IFT Annual Meeting 2002 (New Products Session) - Anaheim, CA
... detailsTeens versus Adults: The 2001 Teen Crave It! Study
(PowerPoint Presentation )
Presented at the 2002 IFT Sensory Division Symposium - Anaheim, CA
... detailsCommunicating the Hard to Communicate: Deconstructing Messages about New Technologies of Food Processing to Identify What Works and What Does Not
June 2002
This paper presents an analysis of some current (Feb-Mar, 2001) messages about new technologies for food sterilization (e.g., irradiation, electrical, etc.). Messages from 11 websites devoted to these methods were deconstructed into 90 component phrases. The 90 phrases were mixed and matched into small, new test concepts, using the method of conjoint analysis on the Internet. Respondents rated the combinations using a 1-9 interest scale. Analysis of results through dummy variable regression identified the part-worth utility of each element as a driver of interest.
... detailsInternet Loyalty Programs: Lessons Learned from Using Them for Internet-based Development Research
June 2002
This paper discusses the use of Internet-based loyalty programs to provide respondents for developmental research. Lessons learned from the experience include the need to identify motivated respondents, the usefulness of feedback from conjoint measurement as part of that motivation, and approaches to the measurement of the data quality after the study.
... detailsWhat Consumers Want in an Internet Shopping Site: Deconstructing The Current Competitive Frame Of Websites To Provide Insight
Canadian Journal Of Marketing Research - (Revised, June 2002)
The objective of the study was to identify the features of a web site for e-commerce for a variety of applied end-uses by the corporate sponsor. A deconstruction of current e-commerce web sites generated 103 elements.
... detailsUsing All Attributes Vs Using Specific Attributes For Sensory Preference Segmentation: A Methodological Investigation Into Segmentation Strategy
August 2002 - Prepared for Food Quality & Preference
Sensory segmentation uses descriptive attributes from all sensory inputs (appearance, aroma, taste/flavor, texture) to predict overall liking. It clusters panelists together on the basis of the sensory profile at which overall liking maximizes.
... detailsThe Alphabet Of Privacy - What Are Communications About Privacy That Interest Internet Users?
August 2002
Internet privacy has become a major area of concern in the last few years. Advances in computer technology facilitate tracking consumer purchases and website visits, and in general aid interested parties in the development of various personal profiles.
... details