Segmenting Consumers by Part-Worth Utilities
Market researchers use conjoint analysis to discover the utilities and thus the persuasive power of different words and phrases. When there are many stimuli classified into categories of related elements, one can measure the importance of each category by an index.... details
Customer Driven Development for Sustained Innovation
This paper presents a three-stage system that sustains customer-driven innovation. The stages comprise: (1) "raw materials" (concept elements, via ideation, competitive intelligence, blue sky thinking), ... details
Improving the "Actionability" of Product Tests: Understanding & Using Relations among Liking, Sensory and Directional Attributes
This paper shows how one can better understand the results of product tests by a clearer understanding of the relations among attributes. ... details
Margarine: The Drivers of Liking and Image
A developing area of product research deals with the relation among product variables when these product variables are rated by the same panelist or by two or more groups of panelists.... details
Sensory Drivers of Liking & Sensory Preference Segmentation
This article shows how researchers can understand the drivers of liking and how these drivers change as a function of the sensory segments that are uncovered. ... details
Interrelations among Liking Attributes for Apple Pie: Research Approaches
Liking is a key measure for applied product development. All too often, however, the liking attributes are simply reported, but other than analyzing overall liking ratings no other analysis is done on the ratings. Much more remains for applied product testers to learn from these liking attributes. ... details
Engineering Out Food Boredom: A Product Development Approach that Combines Home-Use Tests and Time-Preference Analysis
This paper deals with the measurement of food boredom, using the organizing principle of time-preference measurement (viz., interest in a food assuming that the food had not been eaten for a specific period). ... details
On the Analysis of Product Test Results: The Relation among Liking, Sensory and Directional Attributes
This paper deals with three ways to assess the relation among different types of product attributes - - sensory, sensory directional, and liking. The first topic deals with the dimensionality of sensory attributes and liking, and the possibility that some sensory attributes may highly correlate with liking, where as other sensory attributes may not.... details
Variability in Hedonics: Indications of Worldwide Sensory & Cognitive Preference Segmentation
This article presents the authors' approach to understanding the differences in response patterns among consumers. The article shows how these differences lead to profound understanding of behavioral and attitudinal preference segments.... details
Variability in the Hedonics of Sensory Perception Thirty Years Later :Precursors to Worldwide Segmentation
(PowerPoint Presentation)
Presented at the 1999 Fechner Day Meeting - October 1999
... detailsCreating New Products & Service Concepts at the "Fuzzy Front End"
(PowerPoint Presentation)
Presented at the Institute of Food Technologists Foodservice Division Symposium - June, 2000
... detailsThe New Strategy of Product Development - Integrating Consumers
(PowerPoint Presentation)
Presented at the PMRS - Celebration 2000 (Toronto, Canada) - June 2000
... detailsA Paradigm for Consumer Driven Sustained Innovation: Applying Currently Available Technology from Market Research
(PowerPoint Presentation)
Presented at the 1999 Product Development & Management Association Annual Meeting
... detailsSegmenting Consumers World-Wide by Multi-Media Conjoint Methods
(PowerPoint Presentation)
Presented at the 1996 ESOMAR Congress (Istanbul)
... detailsRapid Concept Prototyping for Product & Positioning Design
(PowerPoint Presentation)
You want to sell locally, you want to export globally, you have limited resources and you can't wait to be perfect.
... detailsUnlevel the Playing Field: Increase Your "Hit Rate" for Consumer Products
(PowerPoint Presentation)
This presentation shows you how to give your customer a system to create better products and concepts for your customer's survival and your own.
... detailsCreating New Product Concepts for Foodservice - The Role of Conjoint
December 2000
In the early stage of product development, the marketer and developer have many options available to them. This paper presents an overview to conjoint measurement, one approach to identifying the best of those options, and determining the customer-relevant impact of each option.
... detailsLearning From the Competition: Practical Keys to Faster Product Development
January 2001
This paper presents a data based approach to jump-starting the development process. The approach, category appraisal, obtains ratings from products in the competitive frame.
... details"Always On" - Bringing Market Research Down to the Development Engineer, Closer to the Customer and into the Vortex of Product Development
May 2001
Prepared for the ESOMAR Congress (September 2001 - Rome)
Responding to a call by a major consumer electronics company to accelerate the pace and quality of product development, J Walter Thompson (Detroit) and Moskowitz Jacobs Inc. (New York) have developed a new paradigm.
... detailsUnderstanding Image Attributes of Soup Using Response - Response Analysis & Product Modeling
June 2001
Image attributes provide a rich matrix of information by which to understand the mind of the consumer.
... details