How Features of Pictures in Concepts Drive Semantic Scale Profiles and Purchase Intent Utilities in a Conjoint Task: The Case of Coffee
The authors show how one can perform a 'meta-analysis' of pictures in a conjoint based task. The authors used data from the world-wide coffee study, comprising 38 pictures. They identified the components of the pictures, and used the presence/absence of those components as independent variables. They were then able to relate these components to the utilities of the pictures and to the locations of the pictures on a set of semantic scales. They did this analysis by country and by concept response segment.
... detailsWinning that Next Account by Combining Agency Creativity with Customer Insight
(PowerPoint Presentation)
This presentation covers: WHAT do you say? To WHOM do you say it? HOW do you say it?
... detailsDeconstructing Automobile Messaging: Clues to Brand Strategy
This paper looks at the messages conveyed by six different automobile models in order to identify the type of strategy adopted by each model. Through sampling of messages the research created 150 different elements, edited into short declarative statements. These elements were combined into new and unique combinations, exposed to respondents, with the combinations rated on interest. The conjoint analysis task permitted the assignment of relative importance of different elements as drivers.
... detailsCreating Fragrance Concepts from First Principles: Identifying what Drives 'fit' of Concept Elements to end-uses
January 2003
This paper deals with the fit of sets of fragrance elements (36 elements each) to 30 different end uses, varying from purely 'fine' to purely 'functional', by means of an integrated approach called a 'mega-study'. The method used was conjoint analysis, executed on the Internet, with 150-160 respondents in each of the 30 related studies. The data suggest that respondents can identify which particularly elements in a fragrance oriented concept fit a specific end use, and that the fit to the end use differs by the specific end use.
... detailsAdvertising Energy: Corporate Communications, Public Policy Issues and the Customer Mind
March 2004
Energy, although regulated, is subject to a plethora of messages not unlike other sectors of the economy. As utilities become increasingly more sophisticated about marketing, as they adopt methods pioneered by fast moving consumer goods, and as marketing professionals compete for the consumer dollar, it is no wonder that the utility customer continues to be bombarded with messages.
... detailsEndorsements in food: What? By whom? To whom? Driving acceptance in older adults
November 2008
The objective of this paper is to demonstrate that databases of consumer mind-sets, created by experimental design, can be combined and analyzed to identify new product endorsement messaging opportunities for foods for two different age cohorts. ... details