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IdeaMap and IdeaMap.Net software suite for messaging & positioning optimization
IdeaMap® StyleMap® MessageMap® ChoiceMap? Concept Optimizer? Addressable Minds? TrialMap? ProductEngineer®
IdeaMap and IdeaMap.Net software suite for messaging & positioning optimization
StyleMap is a software suite for product design and packaging, the optimal solution for pure graphics research
MessageMap is a fast, powerful, scientific technology, exclusively for the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry
InnovAid is a consumer-driven concept innovation machine for product and lifestyle categories in their later lifecycle stages.
Addressable Minds?
Addressable Minds?
Increase sales effectiveness by 8-15%. knowing what your target audience wants to hear and what will turn them off.
ChoiceMap empowers you to gain a perspective on the business landscape like never before: adjust and optimize your messaging and product features, simulate consumer response
Concept Optimizer?
Concept Optimizer?
Concept Optimizer uses advanced concept optimization techniques to combine winning elements from your completed studies.
ProductEngineer was created for optimizing product development, to help set your products apart from the competitors
TrialMap provides a proven methodology to improve jury selection


MJI wins the 2012 Edison Bronze Award

The Moskowitz Jacobs Inc. Award for Research Excellence in the Psychophysics of Taste and Smell

Social Science Research Network

Emerald Reading ListAssist

Companywide sales up over 100%, call center conversion rates up over 40%, web conversion rate up over 25%, field sales up over 50%

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Food News Today Video - 4/13/11

Howard Moskowitz' segment on Food News Today - a food news service for both conventional and social media that focuses on the stories and trends that matter.

World Renowned Author, Malcolm Gladwell, Honors MJI's CEO

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StyleMap Customized

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Reshape Packaging with StyleMap
You`ve got the right blend of product attributes at the right price point. Now what else can you do to distinguish your product and enhance its appeal?  Packaging plays a vital role-- especially when you don`t have substantial advertising dollars to build and sustain the brand.

MJI provides the solid, scientifically-based packaging direction you need.  Our StyleMap technology identifies the packaging characteristics most appealing to consumers. We`ll help you optimize your graphics and your user-friendly functionality. As a result, your product will "advertise" itself on the shelf, to inspire recognition and loyalty.

Maximum Results with Minimum Expenditure
The MJI approach works best when you have many variables to test in the very earliest stages of concept development. We use graphical representations, enabling you to explore many alternatives without the cost of producing multiple prototypes. The more options you test, the greater your ability to uncover what consumers truly like and dislike.

Early stage testing reveals the best physical and technical qualities your packaging can have, while minimizing R&D costs and reducing your timeline from research to marketplace.

Discover the "fine points"
StyleMap delivers the full potential of your packaging. You identify the components that maximize acceptance. You quickly discover which specific packaging ideas and executions most appeal to each specific target group. For example, which elements of your packaging mix convey a premium brand strategy?  Which cross ethnic boundaries?  Which appeal most to kids?

Make informed decisions
Some packaging changes are expensive, some not.  We provide scientific measures to help you rationally determine the impact of creating certain package designs, so you can make informed decisions about the most effective means of increasing your bottom-line.

It all adds up to packaging that delivers more punch, for less development cost than you thought possible.

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