IFT Wellness (March 2014)
IFT Wellness 2014
The Westin Chicago River North
Chicago, IL
March 20 & 21, 2014
Session Track: Sugar Reduction: Sensory Applications
Session Date: Friday, March 21, 2014; 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Session Description
With an increasingly competitive marketplace vying for consumer attention, developers of sugar reduced products need to better understand how to cater to the emerging sensory territory of food development. How can food developers and marketers understand the sensory needs of consumers when the consumers themselves are unaware or can’t articulate them? This session explores the concept of understanding sensory desires from deep psychological and psychoanalytic foundations and translating them into sensory-pleasing products that are targeted to specific sensory mind-sets.
Speaker Information
Howard Moskowitz, President, Moskowitz Jacobs Inc.
Batool Batalvi, Strategist-Psychologist, SB&B Marketing Research