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IdeaMap and IdeaMap.Net software suite for messaging & positioning optimization
IdeaMap® StyleMap® MessageMap® ChoiceMap? Concept Optimizer? Addressable Minds? TrialMap? ProductEngineer®
IdeaMap and IdeaMap.Net software suite for messaging & positioning optimization
StyleMap is a software suite for product design and packaging, the optimal solution for pure graphics research
MessageMap is a fast, powerful, scientific technology, exclusively for the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry
InnovAid is a consumer-driven concept innovation machine for product and lifestyle categories in their later lifecycle stages.
Addressable Minds?
Addressable Minds?
Increase sales effectiveness by 8-15%. knowing what your target audience wants to hear and what will turn them off.
ChoiceMap empowers you to gain a perspective on the business landscape like never before: adjust and optimize your messaging and product features, simulate consumer response
Concept Optimizer?
Concept Optimizer?
Concept Optimizer uses advanced concept optimization techniques to combine winning elements from your completed studies.
ProductEngineer was created for optimizing product development, to help set your products apart from the competitors
TrialMap provides a proven methodology to improve jury selection


MJI wins the 2012 Edison Bronze Award

The Moskowitz Jacobs Inc. Award for Research Excellence in the Psychophysics of Taste and Smell

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Food News Today Video - 4/13/11

Howard Moskowitz' segment on Food News Today - a food news service for both conventional and social media that focuses on the stories and trends that matter.

World Renowned Author, Malcolm Gladwell, Honors MJI's CEO

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Dr. Howard R. Moskowitz - Chief Executive Officer

Howard Moskowitz is the CEO of i-Novation Inc as well as President of Moskowitz Jacobs Inc., a firm he founded in 1981.

Dr. Moskowitz is both a well-known experimental psychologist in the field of psychophysics and an inventor of world-class market research technology. Dr. Moskowitz graduated Harvard University in 1969 with a Ph.D. in experimental psychology. Prior to that he graduated Queens College (New York), Phi Beta Kappa, with degrees in mathematics and psychology.  He has written/edited sixteen books, has published well over 300 articles and serves on the editorial board of major journals. 

His extensive speaking engagements span both scientific and market research conferences, as well as guest lectures at leading business schools and food science schools.  His latest book with co-author Alex Gofman, Selling Blue Elephants (Wharton School Publishing) demonstrates and popularizes how IdeaMap (i-Novation`s flagship product) creates new products and messages... from areas as diverse as credit cards, jewelry offers, presidential messaging during election years, stock market communications, and trans-national innovation.

Dr. Moskowitz has won numerous awards, among them the Scientific Director`s Gold Medal for outstanding research at the U.S. Army Natick Laboratories, and the 2001 and 2003 awards by ESOMAR (European Society Of Market Research) for his innovation in web-enabled, self-authored conjoint measurement, and for weak signals research in new trends analysis and concept development.

The self-authored concept technology has brought concept/package design development and innovation into the realm of the researcher, significantly reducing cost, time and effort for new product and service development. In 2004, Dr. Moskowitz was elected as an IFT Fellow, and also was awarded the "David R. Peryam Award", from ASTM, in recognition of outstanding contributions to the field of basic and applied sensory science. 

In 2005, Dr. Moskowitz was awarded the Charles Coolidge Parlin Marketing Research Award for his substantial contributions and dedication to the advancement of marketing research practices.  Most recently, he is the recipient of the ARF Research Innovation Award and The Market Research Council Hall of Fame Award, both in 2006.  From November 2004 to November 2006, Dr. Moskowitz appeared weekly on ABC News Now as the Food Doctor.  His segment highlighted the most innovative and interesting aspects of the food industry. 

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