Welcome to IdeaMap.Net Fast, Inexpensive, Powerful & Actionable!
What is IdeaMap.Net?
- A decision-making tool used to understand the mind of the consumer,
using experimental design. Reveals motivating "hot buttons" for consumers in products and services. Used for testing the impact of messaging, product development, benefits, value propositions, pricing and competitive intelligence.
- Streamlined self authoring set-up and execution process. Capable of testing in any language.
- Provides clients with clear, actionable insight into what specific messages drive consumer behavior, to ensure the client builds the optimum concepts, ads and promotional material.
- The program uses powerful designed combinations, run automatically, without the need for deep statistical knowledge.
- IdeaMap.Net shows the driving power of each concept element, for the total panel, for user-defined subgroups and for behavioral / attitudinal clusters (i.e. so- called latent) which emerge from the pattern of responses from survey participants.
Who Should Use IdeaMap.Net?
IdeaMap.Net is ideally suited for the client who needs to identify, quickly and inexpensively, the most compelling set of features or messages from a large array of possibilities for new (or existing) products or services.
Applications for IdeaMap.Net:
- Strong messaging development and product positioning
- New Product concepts, value proposition testing, rewards and benefits
- Service ideas
- Graphical layouts for magazine covers, packages, direct mail offers (using StyleMap version)
- Competitive intelligence
- Synthesize truly new product by mixing and matching components from different product categories.
Benefits of IdeaMap.Net:
1. Actionable, tactical solutions
- Know what to say!
- Know how to say it!
- Know to whom to say it!
2. Speed
- Quicker than traditional methods to:
- Set up (within a few hours)
- Execute (average study completes in 24-48 hours)
- Analyze (reports automated within 24 hours) - Execute multiple iterations to get it right in a week - not in months
3. Efficient
- Real-time results - see results change as respondents participate
- User friendly - built-in designs and drop-down menus
- Data downloads within hours - timetable worries are a thing of the past.
4. Easy to Manage
- Self-authoring at your pace and schedule - you control speed and
management of the study
- Work with multiple internal and external panel sources for the same study
- Full training manual provided to walk you through set up and execution - MJI technical support staff available to assist.
5. Privacy
- Maintain complete participant privacy - surveys executed via web invitation sent out by you.
- We never see respondent-specific information unless voluntarily provided
6. Overcomes Field Limitations
- Increases participation rate with hard-to-reach respondents
- Web-based surveys allow you to work around the world - from your own office (or anywhere)
- Run studies and view total sample results anytime to see your progress - even in the middle of fieldwork
7. Immediate Answers for Decision-Making
- A glance at the data tables shows you immediately which elements work and which don`t work.
- You can make trade-off analyses by substituting components and see
how that affects consumer interest and how it might impact your product budget.
- Behavioral / Attitudinal Segments (not pre-defined) allow you to understand your product, category and the competitive landscape in a more complete way than ever before.
- The net effect - IdeaMap provides a nearly full strategy analysis in a single tactical study.
- Your elements can be rational, emotional, text or graphics - no need to give up any aspect of the marketing mix.
8. Changes Your World of Knowledge at More Competitive Prices
- Focus groups are accepted as the "low priced option."
- Instead of 6-8 respondents, for the same price you can solve the problem with hundreds of people and test more ideas
- Web-based studies avoid the need to incur travel expenses for your staff or the research moderator.
- If you expect to undertake numerous studies throughout the year, our Silver Subscription may be the most cost-effective solution for you.
How Does IdeaMap.Net Work?
The IdeaMap.Net program systematically mixes and matches individual elements to create a concept. Respondents read one concept and rate it using an anchored rating scale. A 9-point scale is used to provide the respondents with the flexibility needed to record their interest for the concept. The greater their interest, the higher the scale value they choose. A second concept is shown and rated. This process continues until the respondent has tested the appropriate number of concepts based on the experimental design selected for this test (there are 14 study designs to choose from).
IdeaMap.Net uses a stimulus-response approach to quantify the influence of each test idea. An experimental design is used to create the test combinations.
With the availability of pre-created survey designs, statistical knowledge and understanding is not necessary. The design and modeling power is contained in the program. It is so easily created and executed that pricing is far below the cost of a typical focus group.
This program was intentionally designed to make the respondent`s task very easy from the introductory statement that provides the study context to the easy-to-read concepts to the concluding classification questionnaire to capture more qualitative details about the survey participants.
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