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IdeaMap and IdeaMap.Net software suite for messaging & positioning optimization
IdeaMap® StyleMap® MessageMap® ChoiceMap? Concept Optimizer? Addressable Minds? TrialMap? ProductEngineer®
IdeaMap and IdeaMap.Net software suite for messaging & positioning optimization
StyleMap is a software suite for product design and packaging, the optimal solution for pure graphics research
MessageMap is a fast, powerful, scientific technology, exclusively for the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry
InnovAid is a consumer-driven concept innovation machine for product and lifestyle categories in their later lifecycle stages.
Addressable Minds?
Addressable Minds?
Increase sales effectiveness by 8-15%. knowing what your target audience wants to hear and what will turn them off.
ChoiceMap empowers you to gain a perspective on the business landscape like never before: adjust and optimize your messaging and product features, simulate consumer response
Concept Optimizer?
Concept Optimizer?
Concept Optimizer uses advanced concept optimization techniques to combine winning elements from your completed studies.
ProductEngineer was created for optimizing product development, to help set your products apart from the competitors
TrialMap provides a proven methodology to improve jury selection


MJI wins the 2012 Edison Bronze Award

The Moskowitz Jacobs Inc. Award for Research Excellence in the Psychophysics of Taste and Smell

Social Science Research Network

Emerald Reading ListAssist

Companywide sales up over 100%, call center conversion rates up over 40%, web conversion rate up over 25%, field sales up over 50%

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What Is IdeaMap.Net?

IdeaMap.Net Interactive Demo


Welcome to IdeaMap.Net  Fast, Inexpensive, Powerful & Actionable!

What is IdeaMap.Net?

Who Should Use IdeaMap.Net?

IdeaMap.Net is ideally suited for the client who needs to identify, quickly and inexpensively, the most compelling set of features or messages from a large array of possibilities for new (or existing) products or services.

Applications for IdeaMap.Net:

Benefits of IdeaMap.Net:

1. Actionable, tactical solutions

2. Speed 
3. Efficient
4. Easy to Manage
5. Privacy
6. Overcomes Field Limitations
7. Immediate Answers for Decision-Making
8. Changes Your World of Knowledge at More Competitive Prices 

How Does IdeaMap.Net Work?

The IdeaMap.Net program systematically mixes and matches individual elements to create a concept.  Respondents read one concept and rate it using an anchored rating scale.  A 9-point scale is used to provide the respondents with the flexibility needed to record their interest for the concept.  The greater their interest, the higher the scale value they choose.  A second concept is shown and rated.  This process continues until the respondent has tested the appropriate number of concepts based on the experimental design selected for this test (there are 14 study designs to choose from).

IdeaMap.Net uses a stimulus-response approach to quantify the influence of each test idea.  An experimental design is used to create the test combinations. 

With the availability of pre-created survey designs, statistical knowledge and understanding is not necessary.  The design and modeling power is contained in the program.  It is so easily created and executed that pricing is far below the cost of a typical focus group.

This program was intentionally designed to make the respondent`s task very easy from the introductory statement that provides the study context to the easy-to-read concepts to the concluding classification questionnaire to capture more qualitative details about the survey participants.

For more information, contact .

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